Take the Jackson County Sandhill Crane tour
Sandhill Cranes are a very popular bird and thousands come to Jackson County each winter.
Many residents and visitors enjoy watching and photographing these birds, which usually group together in the fields in Jackson County.
The Jackson County Visitor Center has put together the Sandhill Crane Tour where residents and visitors can discover some of the most common places where sandhill cranes are found in the county.
It’s important to remember that this is not a comprehensive list, and that there are no guarantees that the cranes will be in the places on the map on any given day. It’s also important to note that the points found on the map are connected to other roads where cranes can be seen. A good rule of thumb is that if there is a corn or bean field nearby, then cranes are likely to be out and about!
You can view the map by clicking this link. You also should click here to download this fact sheet (print it out or screen shot it on your phone) that tells you all about cranes in the county. A special thanks to Park Ranger Donna Stanley at the Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge who helped provide us with some very useful information.
We ask that you be mindful of traffic, safety and property owners while enjoying these interesting birds!
Check out the video below!