Take part in the First Day Hike in Jackson County, enter to win state prizes
Hikers from Jackson County and those who visit are encouraged to take a First Day Hike, an annual tradition organized by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, at two state properties in the county.
Hikes are available at Jackson-Washington State Forest and Starve Hollow State Recreation Area. Official Indiana First Day Hike stickers will be available at both locations outside the offices.
In past years, Indiana state parks, reservoirs and state forests have offered organized hikes led by park staff and volunteers. These hikes have become a tradition for thousands of Hoosiers.
This year, in response to the need to practice social distancing and keep group sizes to those within your personal “bubble”, the DNR has created hiking opportunities that allow you to be your own tour guide.
Participants are encouraged to look for resolution signs at each trailhead.
The signs will propose different resolutions participants might consider for the new year.
Hikers are encouraged to take a photo of themselves with the signs, and upload them to Facebook to win prizes. Photos can be uploaded to the Indiana State Parks Facebook page at facebook.com/INdnrstateparksandreservoirs or on the Division of Forestry Facebook page at facebook.com/INdnrforestry and use either #FirstDayHikeIN, #FindYourResolution, or #IHikedTheFirstDay to allow your images to be found so you can be included in the drawing for prizes.
The DNR will randomly select participants from those who post to win park passes, inn and camping gift cards, and more.
Make sure to bundle up, bring a warm drink and snack, and remember to wear your mask if you’ll be going on a popular or narrow trail where maintaining social distancing is a challenge.
The resolution signs will be at the following trails at both of Jackson County’s state properties.
Starve Hollow
-Trail 1 (Entrance by cabins)
-Trailhead for Turkey Roost Trail (Orange trail 6)
Click here for a map of trails at Starve Hollow SRA
Jackson-Washington State Forest
-Trails 1, 4, 5, and 6
Click here for a map of trails at Jackson-Washington State Forest